Card Game – Instructions

Congratulations! You are now the owner of a very powerful resource which will help you create cohesive and tight knit groups. Use it with confidence, but also with care. This resource will help you to break the ice at the beginning of meetings, whether they are formal or informal.


Contents: 100 playing cards, 5 categories.

Recommended: for all ages and ideal for groups of 8 to 10 players


Game setup

The moderator should use this resource in a space in which this activity can take place without interruptions. The game can start with a short meditation excercise, in which everybody concentrates on his/hers breathing with the eyes closed.



Moderator – This person will have the role of facilitator for this game. This person will answer first the question and will set the tone of the conversation. Time-master – This person will have the responsability of keeping the time for the cases in which the activity should fit in a time frame.



  1. The moderator will make the first step: he/she will answer first the question to set the tone of the activity.
  2. Everybody draws a question card. Participants can swap questions if they agree to this. Everybody has 3 minutes to answer the question.
  3. The other participants are encouraged to actively listen, not to judge or to begin heated discussions. Trust and respect are two values very important in the unfolding of this game.
  4. If a participant gets very emotional, everybody is encouraged to act naturally without exagerating the moment, but also without ignoring it completely.




Autonom Services S.A Steuernummer RO18433260 Handelsregisternummer J27/280/2006
Haupttätigkeit: Vermietung und Leasing von Autos und leichten Straßenfahrzeugen, CAEN-Klasse 7711
Firmensitz: 4 Fermelor Straße, Piatra Neamt Verwaltungssitz: 131-137 Calea Floreasca, 7. Stock, Sektor 1, Bukarest
Zertifizierungen: ISO 9001 11186 / 25.09.2017, ISO 14001 5758 / 07.07.2021, ISO 45001 3926 / 07.07.2021, ausgestellt von SRAC CERT SRL
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