Statement of policy in the areas of
Quality - Environmental protection - Occupational health and safety

At the heart of our concerns is permanently:

  • THE QUALITY of services offered to our customers, in order to increase trust and their satisfaction;
  • The HUMAN who has the right to a healthy life in an appropriate environment and

  • THE ENVIRONMENT with its natural resources, which must be protected and exploited as efficiently as possible.

Our aim is to provide products/processes/services in conditions of full safety for both the human factor and the environment in line with the requirements of our customers.

Our shared values are: professionalism, honesty and loyalty.

In order to meet the requirements of our partners and to achieve economic performance, we are committed to periodically review our quality-environmental protection policy-

occupational health and safety in order to be permanently adapted to the realities of the organization.

The general objectives of the organisation are:

1. On-going development of the integrated management system -environmental protection-health and

occupational safety.

2. To support public initiatives and government programmes aimed at protecting the environment and occupational health and safety.

3. Compliance with legal requirements and specific regulations.

4. To increase customer confidence and satisfaction.

5. To improve occupational health and safety performance, reducing the risks of

accident and occupational diseases, for all persons participating in the

work, identification, monitoring of activities with particular or imminent danger.

6. To improve, train and upgrade the professional skills of staff,

in order to know, implement and enforce the health and safety provisions

the occupational safety and health requirements contained in the integrated management system documents, legal requirements

in force, as well as those contained in the projects and technologies adopted

7. Improved management of natural resources, sustainable use of renewable

resources, reducing negative environmental impact and waste generation and

responsible and safe disposal of waste.

8. To promote an open and continuous dialogue with the stakeholders.


Autonom Services S.ACodice Fiscale RO18433260 Numero Registro Imprese J27/280/2006
Attività principale: Noleggio e leasing di automobili e veicoli stradali leggeri, classe CAEN 7711
Sede legale: Via Fermelor n. 4, Piatra Neamt Sede amministrativa: Calea Floreasca n. 131-137, 7° piano, Settore 1, Bucarest
Certificazioni: ISO 9001 11186 / 25.09.2017, ISO 14001 5758 / 07.07.2021, ISO 45001 3926 / 07.07.2021, rilasciate da SRAC CERT SRL
Autorizzazione per il trasporto di persone a noleggio ATPRI 0002822, rilasciata dall'Autorità Stradale Romena