Rent a car Targu Mures - Quick booking

Pick-up location
Drop-off location


24/7 Bookings +4 0742 800 700
Road assistance +4 0749 033 323

Strada Budiului, nr. 7

Promptitudine, seriozitate ,rapiditate !!! (Translated by Google) Promptness, seriousness, speed!!!
Rented From 2023-02-23

We used the Autonom Targu-Mures to Sibiu transfer. It was amazing. The car was very confortable (Audi), the trip quiet and safe. The driver was very nice and professional. I highly recommend this company.
Sonia Carvalho
Sonia Carvalho
Rented From 2022-12-28

Tocmai ce am avut o experienta foarte placuta cu echipa Autonom Targu-Mures. O foarte buna comunicare si atentie pro-client, precum si corectitudine si respect pentru timpul de care dispune clientul (intocmesc din timp documentele si respecta orele stabilite). Am avut 2 saptamani o masina foarte buna si sunt un client foarte multumit! Fara nici o ezitare - recomand! (Translated by Google) I just had a very pleasant experience with the Autonom Targu-Mures team. Very good communication and pro-client attention, as well as fairness and respect for the time available to the client (I prepare the documents ahead of time and respect the established hours). I had a very good car for 2 weeks and I am a very satisfied customer! Without any hesitation - I recommend!
Cornel Apostol
Cornel Apostol
Rented From 2022-11-22

(Translated by Google) The service is very good and the guests are welcomed by a nice helpful team! (Original) Nagyon jo a kiszolgálás és kedves segítőkész csapat fogadja a vendégeket!
Lu00f3ru00e1nd Szilu00e1gyi
Lu00f3ru00e1nd Szilu00e1gyi
Rented From 2022-11-20

Colaborare excelenta. Recomand ! (Translated by Google) Excellent collaboration. I recommend!
Csaba Lelkes
Csaba Lelkes
Rented From 2022-11-06

I would recommend Autonom to everyone except maybe I should keep it a secret? The service is excellent & they surpassed our expectations by getting me an automatic at very short notice. I was told a Ford Focus & got an Audi A3! All at the branch were very helpful & all staff spoke excellent English & better than my limited (none!) Romanian! I highly recommend!
Phill Thomas
Phill Thomas
Rented From 2022-08-23

Profesionalism autentic! Recomand cu drag! 😇 (Translated by Google) Genuine professionalism! I recommend with love! 😇
Laura Almu0103u0219an
Laura Almu0103u0219an
Rented From 2022-08-02

(Translated by Google) Very friendly staff, high flexibility and perfect vehicle. I can recommend this company without reservation. (Original) Sehr freundliche Mitarbeiter, hohe Flexibilität und einwandfreies Fahrzeug. Ich kann diese Firma vorbehaltlos weiterempfehlen.
Zsolt Halmi
Zsolt Halmi
Rented From 2022-06-22

(Translated by Google) Very friendly agents and fast service! I can recommend! (Original) Nagyon barátságos ügynökök és gyors kiszolgálás! Ajánlani tudom!
Szilu00e1rd Bordi
Szilu00e1rd Bordi
Rented From 2022-06-15

Personal, am avut cateva inchirieri, dar toate s-au rezolvat cu profesionalism din partea echipei de acolo. Recomand fara rezerve!! (Translated by Google) Personally, I had a few rentals, but all of them were handled professionally by the team there. I recommend without reservation!!
Gabriel Pop
Gabriel Pop
Rented From 2022-06-02

Friendly helpfull staff, got an upgrade, car in very good condition, everything as planned
Lu00e1szlu00f3 Gu00e1bos
Lu00e1szlu00f3 Gu00e1bos
Rented From 2022-05-23

(Translated by Google) Everything was perfect. Customer friendly service. (Original) Minden tökéletes volt. Ügyfél barát kiszolgálás.
Birton Su00e1ndor
Birton Su00e1ndor
Rented From 2022-05-10

Excellent service!
Alex Covaci
Alex Covaci
Rented From 2022-03-14

Oameni deosebiți! (Translated by Google) Great people!
Bogdan Racoti
Bogdan Racoti
Rented From 2022-03-13

Profesioniști (Translated by Google) Professionals
mircea andrus
mircea andrus
Rented From 2022-02-10

Seriozitate maximă!! ?? (Translated by Google) Maximum seriousness !! ⁇
Boga Barna
Boga Barna
Rented From 2022-02-05

De recomandat ,eu personal voi apela mereu la autonom ,serviciul si parcul de masini la standarde europene. (Translated by Google) Recommended, I personally will always call the autonomous, the service and the car park to European standards.
costel stefan
costel stefan
Rented From 2022-01-01

The best ever!
Valerian Macarie
Valerian Macarie
Rented From 2021-11-22

Am inchiriat o masina mai spatioasa ca a mea pentru concediu in Bulgaria. Sunt foarte multumit de experienta. Recomand tuturor. (Translated by Google) I rented a more spacious car than mine for the holidays in Bulgaria. I am very satisfied with the experience. I recommend to everyone.
Zoltan Szasz
Zoltan Szasz
Rented From 2021-09-14

Rented cars from them this summer. They were very professional and went the extra mile (drop off and pick-up from my home address). Very happy with the service, would highly recommend.
alina bianca
alina bianca
Rented From 2021-08-24

Recomand! Masini intretinute, personal amabil si bine pregatit. (Translated by Google) I recommend! Well-maintained cars, friendly and well-trained staff.
Du00e1niel Csiszu00e1r
Du00e1niel Csiszu00e1r
Rented From 2021-01-24

Personal foarte amabil. Servicii de inalta calitate. (Translated by Google) Very friendly staff. High quality services.
Loghin Radu
Loghin Radu
Rented From 2020-01-10

Promptitudine. (Translated by Google) Readiness.
Alexandru Tabaran
Alexandru Tabaran
Rented From 2019-10-23

Briliant service! Friendly staff and spotless cars, fully insured and limitless mileage. Would definitely use again next year!
Cristi Codreanu
Cristi Codreanu
Rented From 2019-08-27

Am avut nevoie de o mașină in Targu Mureș, am primit o mașină de categorie mai bună decât am comandat fără extra cost. Am avut masina in perioada sărbătorilor si desi ei nu lucrau au venit sa primească mașina. Am fost întrebat dacă am nevoie sa fiu dus undeva dar eu deja imi planuisem si nu a fost nevoie. Gestul conteaza. Mașina desi avea peste 100k mergea ceas. Am fost foarte multumit si dacă o să mai am nevoie in Transilvania de mașină cu siguranță voi apela la ei. (Translated by Google) We needed a car in Targu Mures, we got a better car than I ordered at no extra cost. I had a car during the holidays and although they were not working they came to receive the car. I was asked if I needed to go somewhere but I had already planned and it was not necessary. Gesture matters. Although the car was over 100k, it was going clock. I was very pleased and if I needed Transylvania in the car, I would definitely resort to them.
Octy D
Octy D
Rented From 2019-05-03

Profesionalisti de inalta calitate! (Translated by Google) High quality professionals!
Cata POP
Cata POP
Rented From 2019-01-07

Autonom Services S.A. Tax Identification Code RO18433260 Trade Register No. J27/280/2006
Main activity: Renting and leasing of cars and light road vehicles, CAEN class 7711
Registered office: 4 Fermelor Street, Piatra Neamt Administrative office: 131-137 Calea Floreasca, 7th Floor, Sector 1, Bucharest
Certifications: ISO 9001 11186 / 25.09.2017, ISO 14001 5758 / 07.07.2021, ISO 45001 3926 / 07.07.2021, issued by SRAC CERT SRL
Authorization for passenger transport services under rental ATPRI 0002822, issued by the Romanian Road Authority