Am avut interacțiune cu Autonom Târgoviște într-un moment nefericit, și anume când am avut un accident rutier în care am fost parte păgubita. Având nevoie urgenta de mașină de înlocuire, am aflat de ei. Domnul Lucian m-a consiliat ireproșabil, nu am mai resimțit niciun disconfort din cauza accidentului, am primit mașina de înlocuire imediat. Totul decontat integral de RCA ul vinovat. Recomand cu toată încrederea. (Translated by Google) I had interaction with Autonom Târgoviște at an unfortunate moment, namely when I had a road accident in which I was the injured party. In urgent need of a replacement car, I found out about them. Mr. Lucian advised me impeccably, I did not feel any discomfort due to the accident, I received the replacement car immediately. Everything fully settled by the guilty RCA. I recommend with all confidence.
Amabilitate, profesionalism, comunicare excelenta. Interactiunea cu Sebi (Sebastian Stoica)foarte buna, ofera ajutorul ori de cate ori este nevoie, raspunde la toate intrebarile si iti ofera sfaturi utile. (Translated by Google) Kindness, professionalism, excellent communication. The interaction with Sebi (Sebastian Stoica) is very good, he offers help whenever needed, answers all questions and gives you useful advice.
Sincer nu am ce sa reproÈ™ez, merita 10 stele din 10. Eu colaborez cu Lucian V. de la TârgoviÈ™te È™i sunt extrem de mulÈ›umit de comunicare È™i ajutor. Și anterior am avut un accident cu o maÈ™ină închiriată si cei de la Autonom au rezolvat totul imediat ca eu să-mi continua călătoria È™i munca, È™i masina dusa rapid în service È™i masina de schimb la scara. Le recomand doar sa o tina tot asa 😠(Translated by Google) Honestly, I have nothing to complain about, it deserves 10 stars out of 10. I work with Lucian V. from TârgoviÈ™te and I am extremely satisfied with the communication and help. And previously I had an accident with a rented car and the people from Autonom solved everything immediately so that I could continue my journey and work, and the car was quickly taken to the service and the replacement car at the scale. I only recommend them to keep it that way ðŸ˜
Foarte buni profesionisti. Calitatea serviciilor oferite ii caracterizeaza. Dl. Vasilescu Lucian a raspuns prompt de fiecare data la orice solicitare. Continuati tot asa! Recomand cu incredere. (Translated by Google) Very good professionals. The quality of the services offered characterizes them. Mister. Vasilescu Lucian responded promptly every time to any request. Keep it up! I recommend with confidence.
Sunt foarte multumit de serviciile oferite.Domnul Sebi m-a ajutat de fiecare data,gasind solutii perfecte.A dat dovada de profesionalism si din acest motiv voi apela de fiecare data la serviciile oferite de Autonom Targoviste. (Translated by Google) I am very satisfied with the services offered. Mr. Sebi helped me every time, finding perfect solutions. He showed his professionalism and for this reason I will always use the services offered by Autonom Targoviste.
Servicii de inalta calitate. Colaborarea excelenta pe care am avut-o cu domnul Sebi de la Targoviste, m-a convins sa apelez la firma dumneavoastra de fiecare data. (Translated by Google) High quality services. The excellent collaboration I had with Mr. Sebi from Targoviste convinced me to call on your company every time.
Printre cele mai serioase firme . D-nul Lucian, de la biroul Târgoviste, foarte deschis si saritor, a rezolvat imediat orice solicitare de a mea. Mulțumesc Recomand cu caldura (Translated by Google) Among the most serious companies. Mr. Lucian, from the Târgoviste office, very open and jumpy, immediately resolved any request of mine. Thank you I highly recommend
Am avut ocazia sa colaborez cu aceasta firma,multumesc frumos Sebi pentru implicare,pentru indrumare si pentru rezolvarea tuturor problemelor in timp cat mai scurt!As apela cu placere si incredere mereu la voi!Multumesc pentru tot atat lui Sebi cat si intregii echipe!Tineti o tot asa!Cu drag,Razvan Z! (Translated by Google) I had the opportunity to collaborate with this company, thank you very much Sebi for your involvement, for your guidance and for solving all your problems in the shortest possible time! I would always call with pleasure and confidence to you! Dear Razvan Z!
Seriozitatea, încrederea și punctualitatea sunt punctele principale al acestei firme. De asemenea masinile sunt bine întreținute, curate și merită nota maxima. Totul datorită lui Lucian care mi-a oferit toate informațiile de care am nevoie fiind foarte atent la detalii ! (Translated by Google) Seriousness, trust and punctuality are the main points of this company. The cars are also well maintained, clean and worth the maximum grade. All thanks to Lucian who gave me all the information I needed, being very attentive to details!
Vreau sa recomand autonom pentru serviciile lor, punctualitatea și devotamentul cu care angajații își fac treaba, in special Sebi de la agenția Târgoviște cu care am avut ocazia și plăcerea sa colaborez. Țineți-o tot așa.? (Translated by Google) I want to recommend myself for their services, punctuality and dedication with which employees do their job, especially Sebi from the Targoviste agency with whom I had the opportunity and pleasure to collaborate. Keep it that way. ”
Servicii de calitate, angajații agenției foarte primitori, înțelegători și punctuali. Dacă doriți sa închiriați o masina în cele mai bune condiții va recomand cu drag, mai ales Autonom Târgoviște. (Translated by Google) Quality services, very welcoming, understanding and punctual agency employees. If you want to rent a car in the best conditions, I highly recommend it, especially Autonom Târgoviște.
Autonom Services S.A. Tax Identification Code RO18433260
Trade Register No. J27/280/2006
Main activity: Renting and leasing of cars and light road vehicles, CAEN class 7711
Registered office: 4 Fermelor Street, Piatra Neamt
Administrative office: 131-137 Calea Floreasca, 7th Floor, Sector 1, Bucharest
Certifications: ISO 9001 11186 / 25.09.2017, ISO 14001 5758 / 07.07.2021, ISO 45001 3926 / 07.07.2021, issued by SRAC CERT SRL
Authorization for passenger transport services under rental ATPRI 0002822, issued by the Romanian Road Authority
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