A- Autenticitate pe piață U- Unitate în prosperitate T- Tenacitate la locul de muncă O- Onestitatea prezentă în relația cu clientul N- Notorietate în spațiul închirierilor de mașini O- Occidental perspective and management M- Măiestria angajaților de a gestiona situațiile cu care se confruntă (Translated by Google) A- Authenticity on the market U- Unity in prosperity T- Tenacity at work O- Honesty present in the relationship with the client N- Notoriety in the car rental space O- Western perspective and management M- The skill of the employees to manage the situations they face
Foarte multumiti de serviciile oferite! Seriosii, punctuali si profesionisti.Va multumim frumos! Satu-Mare are nevoie de asa o firma, Recomand 100% (Translated by Google) Very satisfied with the services offered! Serious, punctual and professional. Thank you nice! Satu-Mare needs such a company, I recommend 100%
Centrul pentru inchiriat masini (rent a car) este util pentru toti cei care doresc sa viziteze frumosul oras satmarean (acum aflat intr-o plina perioada de modernizare urbana), dar si imprejurilile sale. Sint multe locuri frumoase care asteapta sa fie descoperite, in acest caz o masina inchiriata fiind de real ajutor pentru cei care vin de la distante mari. Toti cei interesati sint bineveniti ! (Translated by Google) The car rental center (rent a car) is useful for all those who want to visit the beautiful city of Satmar (now in a period of urban modernization), but also its surroundings. There are many beautiful places waiting to be discovered, in this case a rented car being a real help for those who come from great distances. All those interested are welcome!
Un servici de nota 10- de la inceput pana la capat echipa a fost foarte amabila si dispusa sa imi raspunda la toate intrebarile. Foarte profesionisti. Nu ezit sa recomand servicile oferite de Autonom. Suta la suta ca am sa mai apelez la ei. Satu Mare fiind un oras mic este foarte surprinzator sa intampini astfel de tratament. (Translated by Google) A grade 10 service - from start to finish the team was very kind and willing to answer all my questions. Very professional. I do not hesitate to recommend the services offered by Autonom. One hundred percent that I will use them again. Satu Mare being a small town, it is very surprising to receive such treatment.
Autonom Services S.A. Tax Identification Code RO18433260
Trade Register No. J27/280/2006
Main activity: Renting and leasing of cars and light road vehicles, CAEN class 7711
Registered office: 4 Fermelor Street, Piatra Neamt
Administrative office: 131-137 Calea Floreasca, 7th Floor, Sector 1, Bucharest
Certifications: ISO 9001 11186 / 25.09.2017, ISO 14001 5758 / 07.07.2021, ISO 45001 3926 / 07.07.2021, issued by SRAC CERT SRL
Authorization for passenger transport services under rental ATPRI 0002822, issued by the Romanian Road Authority
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