Rent a car Bacau Airport - Quick booking

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24/7 Bookings +40 747 90 04 00

Aeroportul International George Enescu

Cei de la Autonom au dat dovadă de un profesionalism de care ar trebui să ne bucuram cu toții. Eu personal sunt foarte bucuros că am beneficiat de serviciile lor la recomandarea cumnatei mele și eu la rândul meu îi voi recomanda tuturor care vor avea nevoie de ei. Vă mulțumesc frumos. (Translated by Google) Those from Autonom have shown a professionalism that we should all be proud of. I am personally very glad that I have benefited from their services at the recommendation of my sister-in-law and I in turn will recommend them to anyone who will need them. Thank you very much.
Alin Florin
Alin Florin
Rented From 2022-07-05

Autonom Services S.A. Tax Identification Code RO18433260 Trade Register No. J27/280/2006
Main activity: Renting and leasing of cars and light road vehicles, CAEN class 7711
Registered office: 4 Fermelor Street, Piatra Neamt Administrative office: 131-137 Calea Floreasca, 7th Floor, Sector 1, Bucharest
Certifications: ISO 9001 11186 / 25.09.2017, ISO 14001 5758 / 07.07.2021, ISO 45001 3926 / 07.07.2021, issued by SRAC CERT SRL
Authorization for passenger transport services under rental ATPRI 0002822, issued by the Romanian Road Authority