Tocmai ce am avut o experienta foarte placuta cu echipa Autonom Targu-Mures. O foarte buna comunicare si atentie pro-client, precum si corectitudine si respect pentru timpul de care dispune clientul (intocmesc din timp documentele si respecta orele stabilite). Am avut 2 saptamani o masina foarte buna si sunt un client foarte multumit! Fara nici o ezitare - recomand! (Translated by Google) I just had a very pleasant experience with the Autonom Targu-Mures team. Very good communication and pro-client attention, as well as fairness and respect for the time available to the client (I prepare the documents ahead of time and respect the established hours). I had a very good car for 2 weeks and I am a very satisfied customer! Without any hesitation - I recommend!
I would recommend Autonom to everyone except maybe I should keep it a secret? The service is excellent & they surpassed our expectations by getting me an automatic at very short notice. I was told a Ford Focus & got an Audi A3! All at the branch were very helpful & all staff spoke excellent English & better than my limited (none!) Romanian! I highly recommend!
Am avut nevoie de o mașină in Targu Mureș, am primit o mașină de categorie mai bună decât am comandat fără extra cost. Am avut masina in perioada sărbătorilor si desi ei nu lucrau au venit sa primească mașina. Am fost întrebat dacă am nevoie sa fiu dus undeva dar eu deja imi planuisem si nu a fost nevoie. Gestul conteaza. Mașina desi avea peste 100k mergea ceas. Am fost foarte multumit si dacă o să mai am nevoie in Transilvania de mașină cu siguranță voi apela la ei. (Translated by Google) We needed a car in Targu Mures, we got a better car than I ordered at no extra cost. I had a car during the holidays and although they were not working they came to receive the car. I was asked if I needed to go somewhere but I had already planned and it was not necessary. Gesture matters. Although the car was over 100k, it was going clock. I was very pleased and if I needed Transylvania in the car, I would definitely resort to them.
Autonom Services S.ACodice Fiscale RO18433260
Numero Registro Imprese J27/280/2006
Attività principale: Noleggio e leasing di automobili e veicoli stradali leggeri, classe CAEN 7711
Sede legale: Via Fermelor n. 4, Piatra Neamt
Sede amministrativa: Calea Floreasca n. 131-137, 7° piano, Settore 1, Bucarest
Certificazioni: ISO 9001 11186 / 25.09.2017, ISO 14001 5758 / 07.07.2021, ISO 45001 3926 / 07.07.2021, rilasciate da SRAC CERT SRL
Autorizzazione per il trasporto di persone a noleggio ATPRI 0002822, rilasciata dall'Autorità Stradale Romena
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