Am inchiriat o masina si am ramas placut impresionat de serviciile oferite, au masini noi, curate iar personalul de la Deva foarte bine pregatit! (Translated by Google) I rented a car and was pleasantly impressed by the services offered, they have new, clean cars and the staff at Deva is very well trained!
O experiență foarte bună. A fost pentru prima data când conduc în România și prima oară când închiriez mașină. Mulțumesc echipei Autonom au fost foarte amabili și m-au ajutat mult. Cel mai bine a fost că am putut prelua mașina din Deva și lăsa la Cluj. Mașina a fost foarte bună și nu am avut deloc probleme. Din nou mă repet o experienta super, recomand cu plăcere și sper să revin curând. (Translated by Google) A very good experience. It was the first time I drove in Romania and the first time I rented a car. Thanks to the Autonom team they were very kind and helped me a lot. The best part was that I was able to pick up the car from Deva and leave it in Cluj. The car was very good and I had no problems at all. I repeat myself a great experience, I gladly recommend and hope to return soon.
Super multumit.Aveam nevoie de masina urgent si in jumatate de zi s-a rezolvat.Profesonalitatea si amabilitatea exact cum trebuie.Foarte satisfacut de serviciile Autonom Deva si cu siguranta voi mai face apel la serviciile dumneavoastra. (Translated by Google) Super satisfied. I needed the car urgently and in half a day it was solved. Professionalism and kindness exactly as it should be. Very satisfied with Autonom Deva services and I will definitely call on your services again.
I rented a car from Autonom at Deva Rental office and it was after a long research online that i found out that this company is the only one in Romania which you can rent and expect full satisfaction in return. My experience completely reflects the same above , the car was amazing , service was very good , even at the end when we returned the car , the employee dropped us to the train station free of charge so we can continue our jorney and not drag our bags. Probably will rent again in next destination , thank you ,will advertise this company in Balkans and one more time highly recommend !
Am fost foarte multumit de ei, indeosebi de personal, care au fost de ajutor, amabili si flexibili atat la preluare cat si la predare. Am avut o mica problema la masina cu un sunet bizar metalic in ultimele zile, insa n-a fost nimic grav pana la urma, iar suportul telefonic a fost excelent, asigurandu-ne ca in caz de nevoie, ni se va da alta masina, ceea ce pana la urma n-a fost nevoie. (Translated by Google) I was very pleased with them, especially with the staff, who were helpful, kind and flexible at both taking over and teaching. I had a small problem with the car with a bizarre metallic sound in the last few days, but it was nothing serious after all, and the phone support was excellent, assuring us that in case of need we will be given another car, which Eventually it was not necessary.
(Translated by Google) Very kind, they have helped us in everything. There is a girl called Alina who speaks English very well and has offered us coffee and a good conversation while we were doing the paperwork. We left very happy. (Original) Muy amables, nos han ayudado en todo. Hay una chica que se llama Alina que habla muy bien Inglés y nos ha ofrecido café y una buena conversación mientras realizábamos los trámites. Salimos muy contentos.
Autonom Services S.ACodice Fiscale RO18433260
Numero Registro Imprese J27/280/2006
Attività principale: Noleggio e leasing di automobili e veicoli stradali leggeri, classe CAEN 7711
Sede legale: Via Fermelor n. 4, Piatra Neamt
Sede amministrativa: Calea Floreasca n. 131-137, 7° piano, Settore 1, Bucarest
Certificazioni: ISO 9001 11186 / 25.09.2017, ISO 14001 5758 / 07.07.2021, ISO 45001 3926 / 07.07.2021, rilasciate da SRAC CERT SRL
Autorizzazione per il trasporto di persone a noleggio ATPRI 0002822, rilasciata dall'Autorità Stradale Romena
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