Rent a car Pitesti - Réservation rapide

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Réservations 24/7 +40 753 04 57 14

Calea Bucuresti 32, Bl. U5, parter

Super profesionist si serviabil domnul Andrei de la reptezentanta Autonom Pitesti Il recomand cu Incredere (Translated by Google) Super professional and helpful Mr. Andrei from the Autonom Pitesti representative, I recommend him with confidence
arny23florin 2017
arny23florin 2017
A loué à 2023-04-03

Am întâlnit un om profesionist cu dorința de a fi de ajutor și de a da lămuririle necesare când a fost necesar ,in persoana domnului Andrei.Multumesc! (Translated by Google) I met a professional man with the desire to be helpful and to give the necessary clarifications when necessary, in the person of Mr. Andrei. Thank you!
Izabela Manole
Izabela Manole
A loué à 2023-03-30

Servicii de calitate. Comunicare ft ok cu domnul Andrei (Translated by Google) Quality services. Communication ft ok with Mr. Andrei
Roxa Roxi
Roxa Roxi
A loué à 2023-03-29

Excelenta experiența cu autonom, mulțumesc domnului Alex pentru ajutor ! (Translated by Google) Excellent experience with autonomous, thank you Mr. Alex for your help!
Flavius Constantin
Flavius Constantin
A loué à 2023-03-28

Punctualitate si atentie la client. (Translated by Google) Punctuality and attention to the customer.
Darius G
Darius G
A loué à 2023-03-24

Colaborare excelenta! Alex a raspuns imediat solicitarilor si s-a implicat total in asa fel incat totul sa fie in regula! E o placere sa colaboram,sunt foarte seriosi si promti! Ii recomand cu incredere! (Translated by Google) Excellent collaboration! Alex responded immediately to the requests and was totally involved in making sure everything was in order! It is a pleasure to collaborate, they are very serious and promise! I recommend them with confidence!
Ramona Micu
Ramona Micu
A loué à 2023-03-13

Ștefan un profesionist desăvârșit! (Translated by Google) Stefan a consummate professional!
George Vintila
George Vintila
A loué à 2023-03-10

Mulțumită de interacțiunea cu dl. Ștefan! (Translated by Google) Thanks for interacting with Mr. Stefan!
Dana Stanciu
Dana Stanciu
A loué à 2023-02-23

Foarte promti, parolisti,masina excelenta,numai cuvinte de lauda. După 3 ani în care am utilizat serviciile lor , au încă 5 stele. Cine a zis omul sfințește locul nu a greșit, Cătălin se încadrează perfect în aceasta zicala. (Translated by Google) Very promising, talkative, excellent car, only words of praise. After 3 years of using their services, they still have 5 stars. Whoever said that the man sanctifies the place was not wrong, Cătălin fits perfectly into this saying.
Viorica Stoica
Viorica Stoica
A loué à 2023-02-21

Romulus Totan
Romulus Totan
A loué à 2023-02-20

Foarte mulțumită de promtitudine cu care a raspuns reprezentantul Andrei din Pitești. (Translated by Google) Very satisfied with the promptness with which representative Andrei from Pitesti responded.
Iasmina Iancu
Iasmina Iancu
A loué à 2023-02-16

Cătălin (Translated by Google) Catalina
Stelian Buzura (MUGZA)
Stelian Buzura (MUGZA)
A loué à 2023-02-15

Cătălin a fost super! A predat masina conform regulamentului pe care probabil îl are.Mi-a prezentat toate dotările mașinii, toate problemele pe care le prezintă automobilul predat - zgârieturi etc. Recomand aceasta persoana (Catalin)deoarece își face treaba cum trebuie. (Translated by Google) Cătălin was great! He handed over the car according to the regulations that he probably has. He presented me with all the features of the car, all the problems presented by the handed over car - scratches, etc. I recommend this person (Catalin) because he does his job properly.
Mihai Ardeleanu
Mihai Ardeleanu
A loué à 2023-02-13

Mulțumesc!Catalin ! Azi a venit mai devreme ca să ma ajute pe mine sa predau mai rapid ! M-a ajutat și cu transportul pana la mașina mea! Mulțumesc Cătălin! Recomand! (Translated by Google) Thank you! Catalin! Today he came earlier to help me teach faster! He also helped me with the transport to my car! Thank you Catalin! I recommend!
Roxana Bolosina
Roxana Bolosina
A loué à 2023-02-24

Foarte multumit de servicii. Cu Alex am avut o comunicare excelenta (Translated by Google) Very pleased with the service. I had excellent communication with Alex
SNR Drive Express
SNR Drive Express
A loué à 2023-02-11

Bună ziua! Sunt foarte mulțumită de serviciile oferite de Autonom, prin reprezentantul firmei Andrei, cel care mi-a predat masina, dând dovada de profesionalism și seriozitate. Recomand cu încredere! (Translated by Google) Hello! I am very satisfied with the services offered by Autonom, through the representative of the company Andrei, the one who handed over the car to me, proving his professionalism and seriousness. I recommend with confidence!
Stefania Diaconu
Stefania Diaconu
A loué à 2023-02-13

Profesionalism și rapiditate Catalin (Translated by Google) Professionalism and speed Catalin
Dinca Radu octavian
Dinca Radu octavian
A loué à 2023-02-07

In experiența pe care am avut-o, am avut parte de profesionalism, promptitudine și orientare spre client și multă carisma! Well done Andrei!! (Translated by Google) In the experience I had, I had professionalism, promptness and orientation towards the customer and a lot of charisma! Well done Andrei!!
Denisa Stoica
Denisa Stoica
A loué à 2023-02-02

Servicii de 5 stele, angajații foarte amabili și implicați. (Translated by Google) 5 star services, very kind and involved employees.
laurentiu chiculita
laurentiu chiculita
A loué à 2023-02-02

Am beneficiat de masina in perioada în care masina mea a fost în service, pe asigurarea obligatorie a persoanei care m-a lovit. Am fost foarte mulțumită de serviciile oferite, de promptitudinea și amabilitatea Domnului Ștefan. Vă mulțumesc! (Translated by Google) I benefited from the car while my car was in service, on the mandatory insurance of the person who hit me. I was very satisfied with the services offered, with the promptness and kindness of Mr. Ștefan. Thank you!
Ioana Dumitrascu
Ioana Dumitrascu
A loué à 2023-01-26

Flexibili, am primit mașina in timpul stabilit. (Translated by Google) Flexible, I received the car on time.
Ileana Musat
Ileana Musat
A loué à 2023-01-25

Intrucat autoturismul meu a fost lovit și a necesitat reparații în service, am beneficiat pe RCA-ul vinovatului de masina gratis pe care am inchiriat-o de la Autonom. O companie foarte serioasa, cu angajați prietenoși ce oferă servicii de înaltă calitate. Recomand! (Translated by Google) Since my car was hit and required repairs in the service, I benefited from the RCA of the culprit for the free car I rented from Autonom. A very serious company with friendly employees offering high quality services. I recommend!
bogdan dumitrache
bogdan dumitrache
A loué à 2023-01-18

Buna ziua! Simplu si rapid sunt cuvintele care descriu experienta mea cu aceasta firma. Am comunicat cu dl Buturuga Catalin, care s a ocupat inclusiv de documentatia necesara. Zi frumoasa! (Translated by Google) Hello! Simple and fast are the words that describe my experience with this company. I communicated with Mr. Buturuga Catalin, who also took care of the necessary documentation. Beautiful day!
Bebshy BoO
Bebshy BoO
A loué à 2023-01-31

Super experinta cu Autonom Pitesti, in special Catalin care s-a miscat exemplar. Numai de bine!!! :):):) (Translated by Google) Super experience with Autonom Pitesti, especially Catalin who moved exemplary. Only good!!! :):):)
Adrian Gaina
Adrian Gaina
A loué à 2023-01-17

Interactiunea cu Stefan a fost super. A fost foarte prompt si amabil. Servicii de 5 stele 😁 (Translated by Google) The interaction with Stefan was great. He was very prompt and kind. 5 star services 😁
PIRVU Iulia-Maria
PIRVU Iulia-Maria
A loué à 2022-12-21

O experiență f bună alături de Ștefan!! (Translated by Google) A good experience with Stefan!!
Mihaela Pavel
Mihaela Pavel
A loué à 2022-12-12

Prima experiența cu un rent-a-car și totul a decurs impecabil. Mașina super curată, iar domnul Mara Marian super prompt și amabil. (Translated by Google) First experience with a rent-a-car and everything went flawlessly. The car is super clean, and Mr. Mara Marian is super prompt and kind.
A loué à 2022-12-09

O firmă serioasă,care își respectă clienți.Respect Cătălin. (Translated by Google) A serious company that respects its customers. Respect Cătălin.
iulian iulian
iulian iulian
A loué à 2022-12-08

O experiență foarte buna! Atent si amabil, mi-a făcut plăcere colaborarea cu el! (Translated by Google) A very good experience! Attentive and kind, I enjoyed working with him!
dragomir ionut
dragomir ionut
A loué à 2022-11-27

Sevicii foarte bune. Multumesc Catalin si Alex. (Translated by Google) Very good services. Thank you Catalin and Alex.
Narcis Oprea
Narcis Oprea
A loué à 2022-11-18

Excelent Andrei și Ștefan. Mulțumesc pentru promptitudine. (Translated by Google) Excellent Andrei and Stefan. Thanks for the promptness.
Valentin Bortosu
Valentin Bortosu
A loué à 2023-02-19

O experiență plăcută ca de fiecare dată!👍 (Translated by Google) A pleasant experience as always!👍
Viorel D.
Viorel D.
A loué à 2022-11-14

Seriozitate, reactivitate și o colaborare extraordinară cu Mara MARIAN (Autonom Pitești) Vă mulțumesc! (Translated by Google) Seriousness, reactivity and an extraordinary collaboration with Mara MARIAN (Autonom Pitesti) Thank you!
Tudor Cristi
Tudor Cristi
A loué à 2022-11-12

Sofer : Stefan. Totul a fost impecabil : masina, viteza, ambiental. Va mulțumesc! (Translated by Google) Driver: Stefan. Everything was flawless: the car, the speed, the environment. Thank you!
Liliana Priciu
Liliana Priciu
A loué à 2022-11-03

Promptitudine ,seriozitate ,empatie .Felicitări Andrei ! (Translated by Google) Promptness, seriousness, empathy. Congratulations Andrei!
Ionela Badea
Ionela Badea
A loué à 2023-02-13

Profesionalism și implicare oferite de către domnul CATALIN (Translated by Google) Professionalism and involvement provided by Mr. CATALIN
Victor Scarlat
Victor Scarlat
A loué à 2023-01-03

Experiența plăcută ! Recomand cu încredere! ( angajat Cătălin) (Translated by Google) Pleasant experience! I recommend with confidence! (employee Cătălin)
Cristi Richiteanu
Cristi Richiteanu
A loué à 2022-12-09

Așa cum Autonom ne-a obișnuit, super profi, comunicare excelenta. Transferuri spre și de la aeroport realizate de Stefan, punctualitate și confort! Mulțumesc! (Translated by Google) As Autonom is used to us, super professional, excellent communication. Transfers to and from the airport made by Stefan, punctuality and comfort! Thank you!
Corina Popescu
Corina Popescu
A loué à 2023-03-06

Mulțumit de interactiuea cu Stefan (Translated by Google) Satisfied with the interaction with Stefan
Ilie Grigore
Ilie Grigore
A loué à 2022-11-15

18.05.2022 -sofer Cătălin. Experiența plăcută,a fost punctual, a condus calm si prudent si a fost o companie buna la calatorie. Recomand cu încredere!
A loué à 2022-05-18

Foarte profi transferul efectuat de Ștefan de la agenția Pitești (Translated by Google) The transfer made by Ștefan from the Pitești agency is very profitable
Marius Taranu
Marius Taranu
A loué à 2022-05-11

Foarte mulțumit de transferul efectuat de Ștefan Manoloiu de la agenția Pitesti.
Valentin Putinu0103
Valentin Putinu0103
A loué à 2022-05-11

Nota 10! Am interactionat cu 2 persoane. Ștefan și Andrei! Foarte profi pe scurt!! Recomand cu drag! ? (Translated by Google) Note 10! I interacted with 2 people. Stefan and Andrei! Very profi in short !! I highly recommend! ⁇
Daniel Ticheaua
Daniel Ticheaua
A loué à 2022-05-10

(Translated by Google) The best, reliable car rental company! Good, clean cars, safe to drive! Thanks to everyone who provides such great service! ? (Original) Det beste, pålitelig bil utleie firma! Gode, rene biler, trygd å kjøre! Takk til alle som sorger for så gode tjeneste! ?
Clara u201cDanielau201d Oprea
Clara u201cDanielau201d Oprea
A loué à 2022-05-05

O experienta deosebita, voi reveni ori de cate ori voi avea nevoie. Interactiunea cu Bogdan Oprescu a fost una excelenta si profesionista. (Translated by Google) A great experience, I will come back whenever I need. The interaction with Bogdan Oprescu was excellent and professional.
Trasca Marian
Trasca Marian
A loué à 2022-04-29

Multumim colegului dvs. Alex Soare, de la Pitesti ,care ne-a rezolvat problemele de fiecare data cu profesionalism si promptitudine. Cu stima, echipa CB Furniture! (Translated by Google) Thanks to your colleague Alex Soare, from Pitesti, who solved our problems every time with professionalism and promptness. Sincerely, CB Furniture team!
Iulian Viorel Pencea
Iulian Viorel Pencea
A loué à 2022-03-28

Raport preț calitate. (Translated by Google) Quality ratio.
Ciobanu Vasile
Ciobanu Vasile
A loué à 2022-01-03

Bunicei (Translated by Google) granny
tudor nicolae
tudor nicolae
A loué à 2021-10-01

Foarte multumit. M-a dus si la Stefanesti! (Translated by Google) Very pleased. He took me to Stefanesti too!
Marian S
Marian S
A loué à 2020-05-20

It is the very best car rental company. It has the best prices on the market and the best services. The people from Autonom are very kind and helpful.
Eduard Duta
Eduard Duta
A loué à 2019-11-20

A great company. kind, helpful and happy to asisst. Wounderful servic.
A loué à 2019-10-17

Societate specializata pe leasing operational si inchirieri auto cu acoperire in toata tara si in afara tarii . (Translated by Google) A company specializing in operating leasing and car rental with coverage throughout the country and abroad.
Ionut Cristian Cirstea
Ionut Cristian Cirstea
A loué à 2019-07-19

Great staff. Decent prices. Quick and efecient service... Number 1 recommended in Arges
Kalep Roberson
Kalep Roberson
A loué à 2019-04-19

(Translated by Google) Great experience, impeccable service, friendly and efficient staff. I highly recommend. (Original) Super expérience, service impeccable, personnel sympa et efficace. Je recommande vivement.
A loué à 2018-07-25

(Translated by Google) Car rental at reasonable price. Friendly welcome, we offer you coffee. To recommend. (Original) Location de voiture à prix raisonnable. Accueil sympa, on vous offre le café. A recommander.
Coryne Tamagni
Coryne Tamagni
A loué à 2018-03-13

100% ?✔? best choice! I got there a nice, clean, new and very good car, price was ok, very nice and friendly people, willing to help and serve clients at the highest standard. Very simple and fast formalities, I will come back for sure to get there such a good car and service! 100% ??✔
Loredana Cojocaru
Loredana Cojocaru
A loué à 2017-10-24

(Translated by Google) New cars! Excellent attention! After wandering around around Pitesti I found this place by recommendations from various people I met on tour operators. The experience of the place is very nice as they have a very friendly and helpful staff, can deliver or receive the car 24 hours of the day but you must make the contract during office hours. Cars are very comfortable, clean, strong and spacious. Do not waste time looking for trading or elsewhere, this is the best! (Original) ¡Carros nuevos! ¡Excelente atención! Luego de andar dando vueltas en todo Pitesti encontré este lugar por recomendaciones de varias personas que me encontré en las tour operadoras. La experiencia en el lugar es muy agradable dado que tienen un personal muy amable y servicial, puedes entregar o recibir el carro las 24 horas del día pero debes hacer el contrato en horario de oficinas. Los carros son muy cómodos, limpios, fuertes y espaciosos. No pierdas tiempo buscando o cotizando en otro lugar, ¡Este es el mejor!
Pablo Sanchez
Pablo Sanchez
A loué à 2017-04-03

Autonom Services S.A Code d’identification fiscale RO18433260 Numéro d’enregistrement au registre du commerce J27/280/2006
Activité principale : Location et crédit-bail de voitures et véhicules routiers légers, classe CAEN 7711
Siège social : Rue Fermelor n° 4, Piatra Neamt Siège administratif : Calea Floreasca n° 131-137, 7e étage, Secteur 1, Bucarest
Certifications : ISO 9001 11186 / 25.09.2017, ISO 14001 5758 / 07.07.2021, ISO 45001 3926 / 07.07.2021, délivrées par SRAC CERT SRL
Autorisation de transport de personnes en location ATPRI 0002822, délivrée par l'Autorité Routière Roumaine