Rent a car Piatra Neamt - Réservation rapide

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Réservations 24/7 +40 748 22 30 22

Strada Fermelor 4

Am închiriat 2 zile mașina de la Autonom. Ovidiu, a fost foarte amabil și mașina a fost excepțională pt sejurul de 2 zile. Recomand! (Translated by Google) I rented the car from Autonom for 2 days. Ovidiu was very kind and the car was exceptional for the 2-day stay. I recommend!
Sabina Tedlee
Sabina Tedlee
A loué à 2022-12-05

Top service 🙏👍✌🏻voi reveni cu drag . (Translated by Google) Top service 🙏👍✌🏻I will come back with love.
Daniel Negura
Daniel Negura
A loué à 2022-12-01

O echipă de profesioniști, am fost super super super mulțumit mereu de serviciile oferite, plus sunt și foarte înțelegători din punct de vedere uman...Cu respect sincer, Cornel Badila și micuța Andrada Badila (Translated by Google) A team of professionals, I was always super super super satisfied with the services offered, plus they are also very understanding from a human point of view...With sincere respect, Cornel Badila and little Andrada Badila
Cornel-Mihail Badila
Cornel-Mihail Badila
A loué à 2022-11-04

Personal profesionist și servicii foarte bune și promte. (Translated by Google) Professional staff and very good and prompt service.
Ciprian Fecioru (Cipanu)
Ciprian Fecioru (Cipanu)
A loué à 2022-10-12

Mereu super profi, mașini foarte bune și servicii de calitate. Revenim în fiecare an cu încredere. (Translated by Google) Always super professionals, very good cars and quality services. We return every year with confidence.
Andra Acatrinei
Andra Acatrinei
A loué à 2022-08-26

Profesioniști. (Translated by Google) Professionals.
ionut gheorghita
ionut gheorghita
A loué à 2022-07-08

O experienta pe care as repeta o oricand. Dommul ne a luat de acasa si ne a dus inapoi fara niciun cost extra. Nota 10! (Translated by Google) An experience I would repeat anytime. The gentleman picked us up from home and took us back at no extra cost. Grade 10!
Alexandra Apostol
Alexandra Apostol
A loué à 2022-06-14

(Translated by Google) Car rental here for almost 10 years when we return to Piatra Neamt; Marius has always remained polite even if he has changed duties, Ovidiu very good and professional. The last time I took a chauffeur service from them for the airport and I had a great time. Thanks to the next ? (Original) Affitto auto qui da quasi 10 anni quando torniamo a Piatra Neamt ; Marius è rimasto sempre gentile anche se ha cambiato mansione , Ovidiu molto bravo e professionale . L’ultima volta ho preso da loro un noleggio con conducente per l’aeroporto e mi sono trovato benissimo . Grazie alla prossima ?
Andrea Costin
Andrea Costin
A loué à 2022-05-04

Super lux (Translated by Google) Super luxury
nik nik
nik nik
A loué à 2022-03-27

Recomand! Mașina închiriată a fost super ok, domnii de la Autonom Piatra Neamț foarte gentili, disponibili și seriozitate maxima . Oricând voi mai avea nevoie voi apela cu cea mai mare încredere. (Translated by Google) I recommend! The rented car was super ok, the gentlemen from Autonom Piatra Neamț were very kind, available and very serious. Whenever I need it, I will call with the utmost confidence.
Elena Ghiorghiu
Elena Ghiorghiu
A loué à 2022-02-08

Recomand! Masina pe care am inchriat-o a fost super ok, iar baietii de la receptie foarte amabili. (Translated by Google) I recommend! The car I rented was super ok, and the guys at the front desk were very kind.
lucian purice
lucian purice
A loué à 2021-10-12

Cu amabilitatea domnului de la casa de marcat, am cumpărat ceea ce trebuia și nu ce credeam eu ca mi se potrivește. (Translated by Google) With the kindness of the gentleman at the cash register, I bought what I needed and not what I thought suited me.
Vasile Gutu
Vasile Gutu
A loué à 2021-09-24

O experiență excelentă de fiecare dată (Translated by Google) An excellent experience every time
Razvan Capatina
Razvan Capatina
A loué à 2021-07-13

Servicii de nota 10. Recomand. (Translated by Google) Grade 10 services. I recommend.
Iulian Sipos
Iulian Sipos
A loué à 2021-07-07

Personal amabil (Translated by Google) Polite staff
cristian c
cristian c
A loué à 2021-05-27

Am numai cuvinte de lauda. Recomand Autonom piatra neamt, totul a decurs conform planului de la inchiriere, tranzactii,predarea masinii, professionalism Bravo baieti, keep up the good work. (Translated by Google) I only have words of praise. I recommend German Stone Autonomous, everything went according to the plan from renting, transactions, handing over the car, professionalism Bravo guys, keep up the good work.
A loué à 2021-05-15

Super multumit de servicii. Masina buna, angajati amabili, preturi cinstite. Cu siguranta voi apela si pe viitor la dvs. (Translated by Google) Super satisfied with the services. Good car, kind employees, honest prices. I will definitely call you in the future.
Matei Melinte
Matei Melinte
A loué à 2021-03-18

Un 5 (Translated by Google) A 5
George Claudiu Jianu
George Claudiu Jianu
A loué à 2020-08-11

Colaborare bună de 13 ani, oferte de preț , personal atent cu clienții ,apelați cu încredere. (Translated by Google) Good collaboration for 13 years, price offers, attentive staff with customers, call with confidence.
Mihaela CHISCA
Mihaela CHISCA
A loué à 2020-07-29

Recomand oricui! (Translated by Google) I recommend anyone!
Constantin Nitu
Constantin Nitu
A loué à 2020-07-10

Recomand (Translated by Google) recommend
A loué à 2020-01-24

de provincie (Translated by Google) of the province
Mihai Manastireanu
Mihai Manastireanu
A loué à 2019-10-10

Oameni seriosi (Translated by Google) Serious people
Gabriel Dupu Dupu Impex srl
Gabriel Dupu Dupu Impex srl
A loué à 2019-09-17

Recomand cu încredere! (Translated by Google) I recommend with confidence!
Jan Rusu
Jan Rusu
A loué à 2019-08-21

Autonom Services S.A Code d’identification fiscale RO18433260 Numéro d’enregistrement au registre du commerce J27/280/2006
Activité principale : Location et crédit-bail de voitures et véhicules routiers légers, classe CAEN 7711
Siège social : Rue Fermelor n° 4, Piatra Neamt Siège administratif : Calea Floreasca n° 131-137, 7e étage, Secteur 1, Bucarest
Certifications : ISO 9001 11186 / 25.09.2017, ISO 14001 5758 / 07.07.2021, ISO 45001 3926 / 07.07.2021, délivrées par SRAC CERT SRL
Autorisation de transport de personnes en location ATPRI 0002822, délivrée par l'Autorité Routière Roumaine