Am închiriat o masina de la Autonom Iasi din Aeroport. Am primit o masina putin peste clasa pentru care am plătit, înmatriculata in 2018. Operatorul a fost foarte amabil. Au fost flexibili si am putut Înapoia masina la 4AM. Am avut un incident care nu a tinut de noi in urma caruia a aparut un f mic semn. Cei de la Autonom au fost foarte rezonabili fiind de acord ca nu era un semn vizibil si nu reprezenta vreun pericol. În consecinta, ne-au deblocat intreaga garantie dupa o saptamana. Noi vom reveni la ei mereu si ii vom recomanda oricui are nevoie de o masina din Iași. Va multumim! (Translated by Google) I rented a car from Autonom Iasi Airport. I received a car a little over the class I paid for, registered in 2018. The operator was very kind. They were flexible and I was able to return the car at 4AM. We had an incident that did not affect us as a result of which a small sign appeared. The people from Autonom were very reasonable, agreeing that it was not a visible sign and did not represent any danger. Consequently, they unlocked our entire warranty after one week. We will always come back to them and recommend them to anyone who needs a car in Iasi. Thank you!
We arrived at the Iasi airport and the rental agency to return the rented car. We were greeted by a smiling young man named Zico who checked the vehicle, asked how it was and whether I was satisfied with the vehicle. He signed the form that the vehicle had been returned to him, his treatment was quick and exhaustive and I was very satisfied with him and the service I received from the rental company, and I would return to them to rent a car again in Romania.
Autonom Services S.A Code d’identification fiscale RO18433260
Numéro d’enregistrement au registre du commerce J27/280/2006
Activité principale : Location et crédit-bail de voitures et véhicules routiers légers, classe CAEN 7711
Siège social : Rue Fermelor n° 4, Piatra Neamt
Siège administratif : Calea Floreasca n° 131-137, 7e étage, Secteur 1, Bucarest
Certifications : ISO 9001 11186 / 25.09.2017, ISO 14001 5758 / 07.07.2021, ISO 45001 3926 / 07.07.2021, délivrées par SRAC CERT SRL
Autorisation de transport de personnes en location ATPRI 0002822, délivrée par l'Autorité Routière Roumaine
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