Seriozitate,implicare,amabilitate,profesionalism.Totul a decurs perfect de la prima discuție și până la predarea mașinii.Mulțumesc domnului Ionuț Nica (Translated by Google) Seriousness, involvement, kindness, professionalism. Everything went perfectly from the first discussion to handing over the car. Thank you Mr. Ionuț Nica
Au fost punctuali atât la înmânarea mașinii de schimb cât și la preluare.Procedura durează puțin ,personal profesionist și mi-au oferit suport chiar sa îmi ridic și mașina personală din service. Ionuț a avut o atitudine impecabilă. Experiența Profi per total. (Translated by Google) They were punctual both when handing over the replacement car and when picking it up. The procedure takes a little time, professional staff and they even offered me support to pick up my personal car from the service. Ionuț had an impeccable attitude. The total Profi experience.
Super incantat de profesionalismul de care ati dat dovada. Masinile sunt noi,curate. Personal amabil si dragut. Vom apela de fiecare data la dumneavostra. (Translated by Google) Super pleased with the professionalism you showed. The cars are new, clean. Friendly and nice staff. We will call on you every time.
Foarte plăcută conversația unul dintre consultanții lor ( Ionuț) . Deschis și foarte amabil, dispus să ofere rapid informații și alternative (Translated by Google) Very pleasant conversation with one of their consultants (Ionuț). Open and very kind, willing to quickly provide information and alternatives
(Translated by Google) Rented a car for the first time in Romania. So I had many concerns. I can only recommend this provider. Clean car, new tires and very friendly staff. The delivery was easy. Even with minor damage such as stone chips, etc., there are no problems. If I need a car again I would use this seller again. (Original) Haben zum ersten Mal in Rumänien ein Auto ausgeliehen. Daher hatte ich viele bedenken. Diesen Anbieter kann ich nur empfehlen. Sauberes Auto, neue Reife und sehr freundliche Mitarbeiter. Die Abgabe war problemlos möglich. auch bei kleineren Schäden wie Steinschlag etc sind keine Probleme. Wenn ich wieder ein Auto benötige würde ich diesen Anbieter erneut nutzen.
Personal profesionist ,foarte amabili , mașini bune.Recomand Autonom pentru servicii de închiriere.Pentru Ionuț de la Tg.Jiu nota 10 pentru amabilitate. (Translated by Google) Professional staff, very kind, good cars. I recommend Autonom for rental services. For Ionuț from Tg. Jiu, score 10 for kindness.
Super experienta, masini noi si foarte intretinute, dl Ionut mi-a oferit toate detaliile si a fost de mare ajutor in luarea deciziei de inchiriere! (Translated by Google) Great experience, new and well-maintained cars, Mr. Ionut gave me all the details and was very helpful in making the rental decision!
A fost prima data cand am apelat la serviciile Autonom Targu Jiu sà cu siguranta voi reveni de fiecare data cand voi avea nevoie. Colaborarea cu Ionut Nica a decurs intr un mod foarte profesionist si am rezolvat totul fara probleme. Recomand cu incredere! (Translated by Google) It was the first time I used the services of Autonom Targu Jiu and I will definitely come back every time I need it. The collaboration with Ionut Nica proceeded in a very professional manner and we solved everything without problems. I recommend with confidence!
Firma ne-a fost recomandată de către un service auto din zona unde am lăsat masina personala din cauza unei avarii. Masina închiriată, un Renault Captur manual benzina, ne-a salvat vacanta. Interacțiunea cu personalul, în special cu domnul Ionuț și colegul sau (al cărui nume nu mi-l aduc aminte, scuze!) a fost foarte plăcută și relaxată și am promit toate detaliile necesare. Am reveni cu siguranță la dânșii. (Translated by Google) The company was recommended to us by a car service in the area where we left our personal car due to an accident. The rented car, a manual petrol Renault Captur, saved our vacation. The interaction with the staff, especially with Mr. Ionuț and his colleague (whose name I do not remember, sorry!) was very pleasant and relaxed and I promised all the necessary details. We would definitely come back to them.
Am inchiriat o masina de curand de la Autonom Tg-Jiu si sunt foarte multumita de servicii. Am primit masina conform cerintelor, iar personalul a fost foarte prietenos, foarte promt si competenti. Predarea masinii in alta locatie s-a realizat conform planului. Ii recomand! (Translated by Google) I recently rented a car from Autonom Tg-Jiu and I am very satisfied with the services. I received the car according to the requirements, and the staff was very friendly, very prompt and competent. The delivery of the car to another location was carried out according to the plan. I recommend them!
(Translated by Google) Impeccable service, professional, neat vehicles certainly maintained, we hit the road safely. A coffee was offered to us on arrival and on return, the contract was signed calmly with answers to all our questions, serious inventory: 100% confidence we will not hesitate for a second to come back. Thank you so much Simon & Simona (Original) Service impeccable, professionnel, véhicules soignés assurément entretenus, nous avons pris la route en toute sécurité. Un café nous a été proposé à l’arrivé et au retour, le contrat a été signé dans le calme avec réponse à toutes nos questions, état des lieux sérieux : 100% confiance nous n’hésiterons pas une seconde à revenir. Merci beaucoup Simon & Simona
Îmi mențin aceeași părere .Personal profesionist și foarte amabil , mașini impecabile !!! După o colaborare de un an îmi mențin părerea personală. Recomand cu toată încrederea ! (Translated by Google) I maintain the same opinion. Professional and very kind staff, impeccable cars!!! After a collaboration of one year, I maintain my personal opinion. I recommend with all confidence!
Autonom Services S.A Código de Identificación Fiscal RO18433260
Nº Registro Mercantil J27/280/2006
Actividad principal: Alquiler y arrendamiento de automóviles y vehículos ligeros de carretera, clase CAEN 7711
Oficina registrada: Calle Fermelor Nº 4, Piatra Neamt
Oficina administrativa: Calea Floreasca Nº 131-137, Piso 7, Sector 1, Bucarest
Certificaciones: ISO 9001 11186 / 25.09.2017, ISO 14001 5758 / 07.07.2021, ISO 45001 3926 / 07.07.2021, emitidas por SRAC CERT SRL
Autorización para el transporte de pasajeros en régimen de alquiler ATPRI 0002822, emitida por la Autoridad de Transporte de Rumanía
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