Am avut un duster pe diesel i chiriat de iulian. Masina e buna, mai ales la drum lung, incapatiare,iute, chiar daca e cu maneta manuala are totusi 6 viteze. Reco.and firma pt.servicii de calitate si amabilitate. (Translated by Google) I had a diesel duster rented by Iulian. The car is good, especially on long journeys, stubborn, fast, even if it is with a manual lever, it still has 6 speeds. I recommend the company for quality service and kindness.
Am avut nevoie urgent de o masina si chiar daca in momentul in care am contactat agentia nu existau variante disponibile, agentul IULIAN mi-a cerut sa ii ofer 10minute iar el a gasit solutia! Pacat ca pot oferi doar 5 stele, serviciul lui a fost de 10 stele! (Translated by Google) I urgently needed a car and even if at the time I contacted the agency there were no options available, agent IULIAN asked me to give him 10 minutes and he found the solution! Too bad I can only give 5 stars, his service was 10 stars!
Merită 10 stele Este o companie foarte bună personalul este extraordinar prietenoși totul se face foarte repede mașinile sint curate igienizare Mereu voi închiria mașină de la ei (Translated by Google) It deserves 10 stars It is a very good company, the staff is extremely friendly and everything is done very quickly, the cars are clean and sanitized I will always rent a car from them
Am inchiriat mașină de la dânșii foarte bună si la un preț foarte bun. Si la ridicare si la înapoiere ne-au vorbit foarte frumos sant o firmă serioasă recomand cu toată încrederea sa închiriați de la ei. (Translated by Google) I rented a very good car from them and at a very good price. Both at pick-up and at return they spoke to us very nicely, they are a serious company, I recommend with all confidence to rent from them.
Nota 10+. La ora 14.30 am sunat sa anunt ca am nevoie de o masina pentru 5 zile si la ora 16.30 am fost sunat sa imi aduca masina, in aceeasi zi. Operativitate, profesionalism. Felicitari! (Translated by Google) Note 10+. At 2:30 pm I called to announce that I needed a car for 5 days and at 4:30 pm I was called to bring my car on the same day. Operativity, professionalism. Congratulations!
Autonom Services S.A Código de Identificación Fiscal RO18433260
Nº Registro Mercantil J27/280/2006
Actividad principal: Alquiler y arrendamiento de automóviles y vehículos ligeros de carretera, clase CAEN 7711
Oficina registrada: Calle Fermelor Nº 4, Piatra Neamt
Oficina administrativa: Calea Floreasca Nº 131-137, Piso 7, Sector 1, Bucarest
Certificaciones: ISO 9001 11186 / 25.09.2017, ISO 14001 5758 / 07.07.2021, ISO 45001 3926 / 07.07.2021, emitidas por SRAC CERT SRL
Autorización para el transporte de pasajeros en régimen de alquiler ATPRI 0002822, emitida por la Autoridad de Transporte de Rumanía
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