Am închiriat pentru compania noastră un Renault Trafic pentru 3 zile. O experienta plăcută datorita echipei Autonom. Client service ireproșabil, mulțumiri Alexandra Ene pentru ajutor și flexibilitate. Cu siguranță vom apela din nou la serviciile Autonom! Mulțumim! (Translated by Google) We rented a Renault Trafic for our company for 3 days. A pleasant experience thanks to the Autonom team. Impeccable customer service, thank you Alexandra Ene for your help and flexibility. We will definitely use Autonom services again! Thank you!
Recomand aceasta companie! Este oaza de profesionalism in Romania, de la receptia telefonului, pana la omul cu care te vezi fata in fata. Sper sa mentina aceste standarde si sa mearga pe principiul " Happy employees, happy customers! " . Din ce am experimentat, au dat dovada de asta. Sper sa ramaneti asa! Cu stima, Tr89DMG (Translated by Google) I recommend this company! It is an oasis of professionalism in Romania, from the reception of the phone to the person you see face to face. I hope they maintain these standards and follow the principle of "Happy employees, happy customers!". From what I experienced, they proved it. I hope you stay like this! Regards, Tr89DMG
Mi-au oferit tot ce am avut nevoie, au adus masina la usa si au ridicat-o de la usa fara niciun cost extra, au fost flexibili cu modalitatea de plata, prompti si m-au sustinut atunci cand a existat un blocaj cu banca privind garantia. O echipa calda, oameni foarte buni (de la cei care raspund la telefon pana la cei care aduc masina), profesionisti si atenti. (Translated by Google) They offered me everything I needed, they brought the car to the door and picked it up at no extra cost, they were flexible with the payment method, prompt and supported me when there was a blockage with the bank regarding the guarantee. A warm team, very good people (from those who answer the phone to those who bring the car), professionals and attentive.
We ordered a car through a different agency but Autonom arranged everything. All went smooth and correct. Also really riendly service. We were lucky to get a free upgrade. Would definately recommend to rent a car with these guys since they are much more affordable than the big international car rental companies. 💯
Am fost incantat de experienta avuta cu ei, totul a funcționat cum trebuie. Am solicitat masina la schimb, deoarece am avut o dauna auto prin RCA la tiriac, undeva spre dimineata, iar dupa pranz in aceeasi zi am primit-o. Masinile sunt bune si bine intretinute. Recomand. (Translated by Google) I was delighted with the experience I had with them, everything worked properly. I requested the car in exchange, because I had a car damage through RCA to Tiriac, somewhere in the morning, and after lunch on the same day I received it. The cars are good and well maintained. I recommend.
Am facut rezervare de vineri ca sa fiu sigura ca luni am masina doar ca rezervarea a trecut pe langa ei. Luni, cand au realizat, nu au fost prea dornici sa rezolvam problema… au rezolvat-o dupa cateva discutii mai aprinse. Mi-au dat o masina dintr-o clasa superioara, masina de care am fost foarte multumita. (Translated by Google) I made a reservation on Friday to make sure I had the car on Monday, only that the reservation passed them. On Monday, when they realized, they were not too eager to solve the problem… they solved it after a few more heated discussions. They gave me a car from a higher class, a car I was very happy with.
I would certainly recommend the airport office staff of autonom. There was just one person, but it was as if he had 8 hands and legs! Extremely efficient person. Came back from dropping someone off, checked the car thoroughly and swiftly, cleared paperwork without any hassles, and brought us to the airport ... All within 15 minutes! A big high 5 to this office. The gratiosa office staff was also very efficient and helpful while giving the car. Was smooth, courteous and fast. A 5 to them as well. They were honest as we went around the car listing all the damages. However, my combined review gets a total of 4 because of the high price i had to pay for this car. At €65/day (€52/day hire+€13/day to reduce own risk to €150), this will stand out the highest priced car (a simple manual Mégane) i have hired in my life.... Including in extremely touristic areas in the islands of Spain, mainland Spain, Austria, Portugal etc etc. Nevertheless i am grateful to have had this car. It was peak season, and this was the only car to be had in all of Bucharest from all the 30+ rental agencies i called! The car was clean, well maintained, fuel efficient and with good power! And the returning was fair and decent. Overall, an above average experience.
Am inchiriat un RAV4 la finalul lunii Mai 2021 si am avut o experienta excelenta de la inceput pana la sfarsit. Persoana de unde am ridicat masina a fost foarte profi explicand tot procesul in detaliu. Mi s-a oferit posiblitatea de upgrade la un pret foarte bun ceea ce s-a dovedit foarte avantajos pentru numarul de kilometri facuti. Acelasi lucru si la ridicarea masinii, unde persoana care a ridicat masina a fost foarte profi si procesul a fost straightforward. All in all, o companie serioasa si voi revenii cu siguranta! (Translated by Google) I rented a RAV4 at the end of May 2021 and I had an excellent experience from start to finish. The person from where I picked up the car was very professional explaining the whole process in detail. I was offered the possibility to upgrade at a very good price, which proved to be very advantageous for the number of kilometers traveled. The same goes for lifting the car, where the person who lifted the car was very professional and the process was straightforward. All in all, a serious company and I will definitely return!
Autonom Services S.A Steuernummer RO18433260
Handelsregisternummer J27/280/2006
Haupttätigkeit: Vermietung und Leasing von Autos und leichten Straßenfahrzeugen, CAEN-Klasse 7711
Firmensitz: 4 Fermelor Straße, Piatra Neamt
Verwaltungssitz: 131-137 Calea Floreasca, 7. Stock, Sektor 1, Bukarest
Zertifizierungen: ISO 9001 11186 / 25.09.2017, ISO 14001 5758 / 07.07.2021, ISO 45001 3926 / 07.07.2021, ausgestellt von SRAC CERT SRL
Genehmigung für den Personentransport im Mietverkehr ATPRI 0002822, ausgestellt von der Rumänischen Straßenbehörde
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